The Different Types of Hyperpigmentation
Everyone has experienced hyperpigmentation an overproduction of melanin at some point throughout their lives, whether they’ve noticed it or not. As common as this condition is among all different skin types, it’s important to note that it can take different forms and vary in appearance. What type you have can contribute to how long the blemishes will last, what you should do to treat it, and what lifestyle changes you can make to help. As such, knowing the different types of hyperpigmentation and what kind you have is key to correcting the damage to your complexion.
Melasma is a condition that significant hormone changes, such as getting pregnant or taking birth control pills, commonly bring about. People who experience melasma develop large, grayish-brown patches along their cheeks, upper lips, and center of the forehead. One way to determine this condition early on is to observe the shapes of your blemishes. Other types of hyperpigmentation can be uniform in shape, but melasma generally involves blotches that are inconsistent in both shape and size. It’s important to note that this condition can also worsen with sun exposure, so take extra care when you go outdoors.
Sunspots or Photoaging
Sunspots—otherwise known in the beauty industry as photoaging—result from the damage your skin sustains after you’ve been out in the sun without protection. These spots are related to benign changes in melanocytes that allow them to produce excess melanin. You can easily mistake these spots for freckles—they’re small, uniform, and light to dark brown and color, so they seem harmless enough. However, they’re actually signs of underlying skin injuries that can bring about premature aging and lowered skin resilience. In fact, if left untreated, cute sunspots can enlarge and become the less cute age spot!
To prevent the cell damage that causes sunspots, wear sunscreen wherever you go outdoors, and reapply often. Dietary antioxidants found in fresh fruits such as Astaxanthin, Hesperidin, Quercetin can protect the skin cells from damage. Lightening lotion products that are high in retinol and arbutin are recommended for getting rid of even stubborn spots. Nowadays hydroquinone is not recommended because it can cause long term damage to some people’s skin.
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs after your skin experiences other conditions that have inflamed or irritated it, such as acne, eczema, or even an insect bite. After these spots heal, you could be left with pinkish-brown, melanin-rich skin where the blemish was. The best thing you can do in this situation is to take steps to prevent these breakouts in the first place. The darkened skin is a result of the skin’s attempt to heal, so stopping the blemishes before they start is ideal.
Hereditary Hyperpigmentation
Another common type of hyperpigmentation is hereditary hyperpigmentation, otherwise known as freckles or birthmarks. As the name suggests, these are sections of hyperpigmented skin that you’re predisposed to developing at birth—often along the cheekbones and nose areas. With increased amounts of sun exposure as you get older, these marks can darken and become more of blemishes than endearing traits. Worst of all, because you’re naturally susceptible to them, they’re incredibly difficult to get rid of.
How to treat these conditions
Melasma, Sun Spots, PIH or Hereditary Hyperpigmentation all respond to targeted topical treatments. Our team has selected the most effective treatments for these conditions. Not only will they zap the spots and stains, these new formulas nourish and repair age related damage leaving skin look years younger!