Why You Should Wear Sunscreen in the Fall
It’s no secret that a reliable sunscreen product is one of the most important components in a person’s skincare routine. Yet, when the summer heat gives way to the fall chill, most individuals tend to stop using sunscreen entirely. This is due to a series of misunderstandings about the sun and the impact it has on your skin even when it’s cooler outside. These are several reasons why you should wear sunscreen in the fall and what could happen if you don’t.
The Sun Is Always Shining (Even in the Fall)
One of the most common reasons why individuals don’t see sunscreen as a necessity during the fall is the lower temperatures and slightly more overcast days. However, despite how it might seem, these weather conditions don’t mean your skin is less exposed to the sun. In fact, your skin is exposed to just as many UV rays during the fall as it is during the summer. The only difference is the length of clothing you’re wearing, so you can still be burned just as badly in either season.
The Harshest Rays Occur in the Middle of the Day
You should also wear sunscreen in the fall because the sun’s rays are still particularly harsh during certain times of the day. Even during overcast periods, the sun is still beating down at its highest intensities from 10 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. Since these are also the most active daytime hours for many of us, it’s always in your best interest to protect yourself in some fashion.
Some Fall Conditions Increase the Risk of a Burn
Additionally, some fall weather conditions can actually make it more likely for you to sustain a sunburn. Ice, for instance, has reflective properties that cause the sun’s UV rays to bounce back up at you as they come in contact with the ground. This gives your skin twice the exposure that you would’ve received otherwise.
For products that can help you reduce the signs of dark spots and other types of hyperpigmentation sustained from the sun, reach out to Flawless Beauty and Skin. Our skin whitening soaps and other topical treatments slow the overproduction of melanin within the skin cells. This helps return your skin to its former tone and evens out your overall complexion.